Makwa Services

For Your Everyday Needs!

Services that fit your everyday needs

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Group 13946

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Repeat Grid 1
Ellipse 26
Image 87
Image 86

Clean & Iron

The Clean & Iron service includes dry clean,

wash and hand wash. Your clothes are

carefully inspected as soon as they arrive at

the vendor’s premises and directed to the

correct service according to the label

instructions. The item is then crisply

pressed and packaged according to your

selected preference.

Group 13909
Ellipse 26
Image 87
Image 86

Clean & Iron

The Clean & Iron service includes dry clean,

wash and hand wash. Your clothes are

carefully inspected as soon as they arrive at

the vendor’s premises and directed to the

correct service according to the label

instructions. The item is then crisply pressed

and packaged according to your selected preference.

Image 84
Group 199


The Iron service removes all wrinkles from

fabrics by steam ironing your clothes to a

temperature of 180-220 degrees celsius

depending onthe fabric.

Your clothes are then packaged depending

on your pre-selected preferences.

Image 84
Group 199


The Iron service removes all wrinkles

from fabrics by steam ironing your

clothes to a temperature of 180-220

degrees celsius depending on the


Your clothes are then packaged

depending on your pre-selected


Group 13910
Repeat Grid 2